Courses available
Level 1 – Basic First Aid (Lifesaver/ Appointed Person)
1 day course providing basic skills to deal with emergency situations. Content includes priority of first aid; CPR; emergency procedures; unconscious casualty; injuries and illnesses.
Suitable for smaller workplaces where an ‘Appointed Person is required to take charge where accident or illness occurs.
Level 2 – Emergency (Public First Aid)
2 day course developing basic life support skills to deal with multiple casualties/injuries. Recognised as accepted standard by Outdoor Industries; Governing Bodies of Sport and Local Authorities.
The added breadth and depth of this course makes it ideally suited to schools and colleges where staff may have to deal with a wider range of incidents.
Level 3 – Standard HSE (First Aid at Work)
4 day course covering the full HSE First Aid at Work syllabus, with a focus on your organisation’s workplace environment and risk assessments.
All relevant Health and Safety Regulations covered alongside common workplace hazards, illnesses and casualty management.
Refresher (HSE and Standard)
2 day course to update knowledge and refresh existing skills gained on a previous course at Level 3 or 4
Level 4 – Advanced
2 day course offering non-invasive advanced life support skills for the experienced first aider. Includes long-term casualty management and evacuation.
CRR Training
4 hour course to refresh Resuscitation skills
AED (Defibrillator) Training
1 day course providing training in the use of Automated External Defibrillators (AEDs)